Test Taking Tips
Review over your previous tests/exams and any other sample materials provided by your professor. Each test that you take prepares you for what is coming.
Source: Study Guides and Strategies
List what you need to accomplish prior to the exam in order to avoid panic. Good preparation prepares you for the task at hand.
Source: Study Guides and Strategies
Choose a comfortable location in your classroom with a sufficient amount of space. Do not slouch, as it is important to maintain good posture.
Source: Study Guides and Strategies
Remember to keep a good attitude and remind yourself that you are doing to do your best. If you find yourself panicking during an exam, take a few deep breaks and remember that you can succeed. Also, don't talk to other students before the exam as stress can be contagious.
Source: Study Guides and Strategies
Make sure to read the directions carefully to avoid making careless errors.
Source: Study Guides and Strategies
If time allowed, quickly look through the exam to get a good idea of what you are dealing with. Scan for key works, and if permitted, jot down any notes that come to mind.
Source: Study Guides and Strategies
Answer easy questions first to build your confidence up. Second, answer questions with the highest point value. On objective tests, start by eliminating obvious incorrect answers. On essay tests, broadly outline your answer and a sequence of points you will be making.
Source: Study Guides and Strategies
Resist the urge to leave after you complete the exam. If time allows, check that you have answered all questions, and have not made any errors or mis-marked any answers.
Source: Study Guides and Strategies
Review over what areas of the exam you succeeded on, and also where you were challenged. You can also visit the Learning Support Service center to get help on your courses.
Source: Study Guides and Strategies