Note Taking Techniques
Many times note taking is one of the most difficult things for a student to do effectively. It can be difficult for students to know what to write down, what is important or pertinent information, or how to structure their notes so they are easy to study from in the future. By taking the time to understand why we take notes, how best to do so, and how to use them, we are able to improve our ability to make them truly useful. Notes taken during reading or lectures can be one of the strongest tools a student has in their academic experience.
- To highlight IMPORTANT information
- To REVIEW and STUDY at a later time
Source: Western Michigan University
- Pertinent information - The subject/chapter that is going to be covered that day in class that can be located in your syllabus. Record pertinent information that relates to that section.
- Valid information - Before including information in notes, it is important to determine if the information is accurate based on fact.
- Questions - Write down questions that you have that may include things you don't understand and that you may need clarification on later.
- HINT: Write down things that relate to each topic that will prompt your memory when you are reviewing.
- Ideas - Include ideas that you come up with from class discussion that may help on upcoming essays or exams.
- Verbal clues - These may include cues from the professor about future exams, or future implications of the material on concepts you will study later.
- Points to study later - These could included ideas/concepts you need more review to grasp or points the professors indicated will be covered on the exam.
- Know the source - Knowing the lecturer can help pinpoint important information on highly testable material. Even if they simply repeat material from the texts, always be prepared to take notes and listen. There may be clues in the lecture about exams and assignments.
- Tangents/Examples - It may appear that your professor is off subject, but examples and real case scenarios may be given that will appear later on an exam. It is important to discern between examples that illustrate points of importance and tangents that will not contribute to your understanding of the course material.
- Specific Order - Follow the book or at least chapter order. This allows for a logical flow of information in your notes.
- Handouts - These are always important tools to supplement the lecture. Test questions often come off handouts; otherwise they would be a waste of a professor's time.
Source: Western Michigan University
- Develop a personal form of abbreviations to allow you to take notes more quickly and allow you to include more information effectively.
- Skip lines to allow you to fill in more information later.
- Always date material to know what material each test covers.
- Leave marginal room for notes when reviewing or from reading texts.
- Paraphrase! - It is easier to study from your own ideas than your lecturers'!
- Stay ahead of reading assignments. This will help you understand lectures better and give you a better indication of what notes are important to take.
- Use labels, categories, and separate chapters/concepts to organize your notes.
- Keep notes clear. Doodling is distracting when you go back to study and is an indication of daydreaming during class.
- Use separate notebooks for each class.
- Underline or star key points.
- Record lectures if you are having trouble keeping up. (Remember to ask permission from lecturer).
- Know the type of test you will be taking, if you are going to be tested on the material. This will allow you to tailor your notes to fit this style.
- Diagram relationships between information. This can be especially useful in subjects such as history.
- If your lecturer repeatedly speaks on a topic, it is likely that you will have to know it in the future.
- Review your notes FREQUENTLY; this can be extremely useful even in short settings. It is best to begin this process WITHIN 24 HOURS OF FIRST TAKING THE NOTES.
Source: Western Michigan University