When You Need Help
Sometimes major obstacles in life get in the way of our academic success and educational plans. Student often are stopped by transportation, housing or food needs. Click here to see resources offered to EMCC students.
This link provides information on resources for food, housing and shelter, personal safety, childcare/after school/youth programs, transportation, paying for school, AZ211, and articles and reports.
Lion’s Exchange Student Clothing Boutique: https://www.estrellamountain.edu/students/student-life/lions-exchange-st...
The Lion Exchange provides gently used clothing at no cost for EMCC students.
EMCC Student Food Pantry: https://www.estrellamountain.edu/students/student-life/emcc-student-food...
The EMCC Student Food Pantry, located in the Student Union, is available to service current EMCC students in need.
Counseling: https://www.estrellamountain.edu/students/counseling
Personal counseling is available to address issues in order for you to be successful in your academics. We can also assist you with time management, stress management, anxiety, and balancing the demands of work, school and family. Crisis counseling is also available.