Facility Rental

Facility Rental

Estrella Mountain Community College facilities are primarily utilized for the benefit of our students and campus community.  However, schedule permitting, we try to support the needs of our local business, industry, non-profits and the general community by offering a variety of spaces to the community.  Although our own classes and events take first priority, we open conference rooms, classrooms, and external spaces for business type meetings, banquets, receptions, etc. during normal operating hours after our class schedules have been set. Estrella Mountain Community College is closed on Sundays.

Requests for use of campus facilities for the purpose of holding semester long, or longer, classes at Estrella Mountain Community College for outside entities will be reviewed in the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs before any rental agreements will be written.


EMCC requires fifteen (15) business days for processing prior to your requested date(s) and may require more time for more complex events.  Please complete and submit the Facility Rental Questionnaire to check for availability and scheduling of a space.


EMCC charges fair-market rates for use of its facilities which are determined by the Maricopa County Community College District (rates have been updated by the District and are in affect as of July 1, 2019).  Commercial entities and members of the general public are charged standard rates, while government and community entities may be eligible for discounted rates, excluding services and equipment, if applicable.  A "community entity" is a corporation or other legal entity whose business is non-commercial; is unrelated to the Maricopa County Community College District; and is recreational, educational, political, economic, artistic, moral, scientific, social, religious or for some other civic purpose in the interest of the community.  

Please note that events that occur after 5:00pm or on Saturdays, have a 25% increase for the rental space.

Please see each of the spaces available and rental rates for each space on the left under Facilities at EMCC.


Insurance requirements are very specific. Attached below.


Please have meeting participants park in unmarked spaces only. Tickets will be issued for parking in carpool, Faculty/Staff, handicapped, or other designated spaces.


  • Most personal parties, weddings, or celebrations cannot be accommodated.
  • There is a 4 hour minimum for most rentals.
  • Regularly recurring meetings such as weekly meetings will only be considered on a per-semester basis. 
  • Saturday Events must end by 3:00 pm.
  • No food or drink allowed in classrooms.
  • Technology classrooms require advanced training for instructors, account creation, and at least 1 hour of payment for a technician the day of your event during regular hours. Off hours has a minimum 3 hour charge.
  • No alcohol is permitted on campus.
  • Smoking and/or use of tobacco is not permitted on campus.
  • College Public Safety has the right to require additional officers be on duty for your event.  Fees may apply when additional officers are needed.


Please review the MCCCD regulations and policies in regards to the use of college facilities:  https://district.maricopa.edu/regulations/admin-regs/section-1/1-5

  • 1.5     Use of College Facilities
  • 1.5.2  Scope of Coverage of this Regulation
  • 1.5.3  General Standards
  • 1.5.4  Written Agreements Required
  • 1.5.5  Insurance Requirements
  • 1.5.6  Rent Required and Exceptions