Start a Club/Organization
Procedures and Policies Required for Approval of a Recognized Student Organization
In order to be recognized as a registered student organization the following steps must be completed:
Student Life Office:
- Complete the Club/Organization Packet.
- A petition must be signed by at least five (5) students currently enrolled at EMCC and in good standing.
- Identify and obtain a faculty or staff advisor from EMCC only.
- Provide a typed copy of the club/organizations by-laws and constitution. A sample has been provided for you. Make an appointment to review the constitution with the Director of Student Life to check the constitution for compliance and go over any revisions that may be made.
- Turn in two (2) copies of the constitution (with any revisions) and student organization charter petition to the Student Life Office.
- Submit electronically or in person.
Upon approval, all registered student organizations must comply with the following responsibilities:
Among the responsibilities an organization accepts upon registration are:
- Annual registration with the Director of Student Life and notification to the Student Life Office of any change in officers, advisors, address or name of organization.
- The abstention from any discriminatory practices in membership selection and organizational programming.
- At least two organizational officer/members must attend each officer workshop sponsored by the Student Life Office.
- Each organization will perform at least 10 hours of community volunteer service work per semester.
- Groups may assemble for the purpose of organizing a club/organization, but will not be eligible for any of the privileges granted to active associations until they have been approved by the Director of Student Life & Leadership.
Privileges of registered student organizations:
- The use of the EMCC agencies for organizational assistance and the use of equipment in the Student Life Office.
- Mail: Recognized clubs and organizations are eligible for use of a mailbox and mail service at the Student Life Office.
- Recognized clubs and organizations are eligible to apply for seed money.
- The use of Student Life facilities for meetings and programs.