Clubs & Orgs Forms
Start-up Packet: This informational packet is for students looking to start up a new club/organization. It contains procedures and policies for approval, organization charter petition worksheet, and sample of a constitution.
Event Proposal Form: This form provides the office of Student Life with information about a proposed event by a club/organization. Form must be submitted by deadlines listed on the form depending on the event type. Upon submission the event proposal will be reviewed and club will be notified of approval.
Officer Update Form: Each club/organization is required to submit this form after held elections. The form provides the office of student life and leadership with contact information about each officer elected. Form must be signed by both, new officers and advisor before submission.
Fundraising Form: This form provides the office of Student Life with information about a proposed fundraiser by a club/organization. Form must be submitted minimum of 14 days before the date scheduled. Upon submission fundraiser details will be reviewed and club will be notified of approval.
Service Learning Proposal Form: All club/organization Service Learning projects are to be completed on the Service Learning webform.