Program Completion

Ready To Graduate?

Students who have met or will meet their certificate or degree requirements may apply for graduation. Students must apply for graduation to have their degree(s) or certificate(s) officially awarded on their college transcript. To confirm your eligibility for graduation and begin the application process, students are expected to submit a Request for Program Progress Check form. An advisor will review their record to ensure they qualify to apply for graduation.

How to Apply for Graduation:

  1. Complete a Graduate Survey (save confirmation page once completed)
  2. Complete Graduation Application (signed by an advisor)

All official academic transcripts from any college you have attended (outside of Maricopa Community Colleges) MUST be on file with EMCC before your degree or certificate will be awarded. If you are enrolled and will complete your coursework at the end of the term, please ensure transcripts are scheduled to be sent to EMCC after your final grades have been posted. View your Transfer Credit Report in your Student Center for confirmation of transcripts received.

*Participation in the commencement ceremony DOES NOT certify graduation or completion of a certificate and/or degree. Certificate and/or degree recipients who participate in the ceremony will receive a diploma cover at the ceremony.
