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Personalize Your Brick

  • Please type your inscription in the boxes provided using one letter, symbol or space per square. 
  • Each brick may have up to 18 letters, symbols and/or spaces per line. Punctuation and spaces count as characters. Please use only letters or symbols that appear on a standard keyboard. 
  • All bricks will be engraved with text centered and in all uppercase letters. 

For details regarding text lines on the sponsorship levels Innovative Excellence, Community Partner, Legacy Tribute and Estrella Diamond Presenting Sponsor please contact EMCC Development Office directly at 623-935-8249 or email Jonathan Robles.


Employee Payroll Deduction

Maricopa Community College District employees are eligible to purchase brick sponsorships through the employee pledge form option via payroll deduction. Please complete online-hyperlink dynamic form here or print out and complete the Employee Giving Contribution Form linked below and email to developmentoffice@estrellamountain.edu or mail to 3000 N. Dysart Rd. Avondale, AZ 85392 (Attn: Jonathan Robles). For assistance, please contact EMCC Development Office directly at 623-935-8052.

Employee Giving Form


Legacy Brick Levels



Achieving Dreams
One 4”x8” brick, one line, 18 characters $125
Transforming Lives One 4”x8” brick, two lines, 18 characters each line $250
 Celebrating Success One 4”x8” brick, three lines, 18 characters each line $500
Education Champion One 9”x9” brick, three lines, 18 characters each line $1,000
College Advocate One 9”x9” brick, four lines, 18 characters; featured with college logo $2,500
TLC: Teaching, Learning & Caring One 9”x9” brick, up to six lines, 18 characters per line with Company Logo or college logo; *has option to feature company logo with no text $5,000
Innovative Excellence Two 9”x9” bricks combined to make one 18”x9” space with logo and/or text (horizontal or vertical)  $7,500
Community Partner Four 9”x9” bricks combined to make one 18”x18” space with logo and/or text $10,000
Legacy Tribute 24”x24” commemorative stone with naming plate $15,000
Estrella Diamond Presenting Sponsor 30”x30” commemorative stone with naming plate; commemorative bench placed in the Estrella Legacy Patio with naming plate $25,000


Celebrating Legacy

Case Description


4”x8” display case 4”x8” Replica brick,display case with commemorative name plate $100
9”x9” display case 9”x9” Replica brick, display case with commemorative name plate $150