Welcome to the Division of Arts and Composition

Welcome to the Division of Arts and Composition


The Division of Arts and Composition at EMCC offers a range of classes from studio and digital art to dance to various literature classes, and our faculty members are just as diverse. When in Drawing, ask Jim Fike about photography or backpacking. If you are in Carlotta Abrams’ English 101 class, discuss your interest in hip hop, and she will surprise you with her vast knowledge and passion.

We understand that EMCC’s diverse student population requires close connections and support for success. In Rod Freeman’s classes, he works to “create and participate in a safe, energetic, challenge, interactive, and enthusiastic learning environment,” something all Arts and Composition faculty members strive for when they teach. It’s in this kind of learning environment that composition faculty like Susan Malmo can “help students develop the writing skills that will be fundamental to their success.” Erin Blomstrand and Annie Buentello might help teach writing skills through the use of popular culture while Kelly Loucy might use her passion for environmental sustainability.

Ultimately, the faculty in the Division of Arts and Composition want to “help students reach their potential and feel confident,” as Anastasia Amabisca states. To do this, we offer a wide variety of courses, such as traditional, hybrid, online, and 5, 8, or 10-week class formats, utilizing active and collaborative learning techniques. When we aren’t teaching and supporting our students, Alex Andrews is writing poetry, and Kathleen Iudicello is reading a Jeanette Winterson novel.

Take a few moments to get to know the people behind the Division of Arts and Composition. We are here for you!

The Division of Arts and Composition offers the following courses:

  • Art History (ARH)
  • Art (ART)
  • Creative Writing (CRW)
  • Dance (DAN)
  • English (ENG)
  • English Humanities (ENH)
  • Humanities (HUM)
  • Journalism (JRN)
  • Music History/Literature (MHL)
  • Music Theory/Composition (MTC)
  • Music Performance (MUP)
  • Storytelling (STO)
  • Theater Performance/Production (THP)